The Baltic Tigers – An end in sight for the growth story? By C. Ketels

The Baltic Tigers – An end in sight for the growth story? By C. Ketels

Over the last few years Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have firmly established themselves on the top of the European growth rankings. While still lagging their European peers on absolute prosperity, this is an achievement that many would have thought impossible to achieve for small countries at the
northern periphery of Europe with a legacy in the Soviet Union.

But can the growth story last, or will it soon be forgotten as an episode spurred by low taxes and  luck? And what can the Baltic countries do themselves to ensure a positive answer to that question?

Baltic Tigers – An end in sight for the growth story
By Christian Ketel

The latest Baltic Rim Economies also includes the following stories
– The role of the Northern Dimension in the Baltic Sea cooperation
– Norway;s role in the development of the Baltic Sea Region
– Latvia: new transformation challenges ahead
– Experiences of Finnish firms in Poland
– Kaliningrads industry – a double-headed bird: will it fly?
Baltic Rim Economies 5/ 2006

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